We are Love

Can we only love family? Isn’t there room in our hearts to love more than just those with blood relationships – or those married to blood, room to just love? To let people know that they’re loved? Not just with a word, but with true relationship. With a love that has interest in the wellbeing of another. People think of that as being only hard work. “I have enough going on in my own life, without worrying about other people,” they think. But people are built for relationship. We are in a relationship with those around us, whether we choose to see it that way or not. Whether you believe in God, or the Universe or nothing at all, we are bound together by our very existence. When I make your way better, I make better my own, whether or not I can see that difference in the fabric of my life. Love is the material we are made of. We love each other. We just do. Do you ever wonder why hate feels so bad? Because it is so foreign to what we are made of. It is not what we are. We are not hate, we are not anger. We are love. Sometimes we are love gone astray, and it hurts. And we want love back. And if we are paying attention we realize that the closer we get back to love, the better we feel. And if we were able to actually become fully love, then surely we would live in bliss – because that is what love is. Love is joy, and joy is love. Whatever you may call Him, God is love. And when we are close to love, we are close to God – and to be close to God, you must be close to love. It is that simple. Yet somehow we let it not be simple. We complicate it with life and rules, and busyness and caveats and justifications (that typically aren’t very just). But if you listen to your soul, you know, that the closer love is, the closer peace is, the closer joy is. I know this for a fact. I only hope to live long enough to live it.

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